Start your journey with advanced knowledge about your body. DEXA gives you a precise understanding of your composition including your body fat (visceral and subcutaneous), your total bone mineral density and lean mass. With superior accuracy, a DEXA scan will give you an inside look into your body and guidance for setting healthy goals.
DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) is a quick, non-invasive assessment that is the gold-standard in body composition measurement.
A DEXA scan will provide accurate data regarding three key components of health; bone mineral density, lean mass and body fat. Each component will be presented in terms of pounds* for total body and segmental analysis which includes the differences between the arms, legs, trunk and waist to hip ratios. Body fat will also include percentages pertaining to total body and segmental analysis, as well as the difference between subcutaneous and visceral fat. *Kilograms are available upon request.
Your appointment is scheduled for 30 minutes. The DEXA Scan will take anywhere from 6 to 15 minutes followed by an explanation of results.
You will lie down on the DEXA Scan table and hold still for the duration of the scan. The scanner arm does all the work!
Yes, it’s very low dose radiation equivalent to two days worth of background radiation. For example, the equivalent of holding your cell phone for two days.
Women who are menstruating are recommended to come during or between periods. Three to five days prior to your typical monthly cycle is not recommended due to high levels of fluid retention.